Proactively maintained roofs cost over 50% less to maintain per year and last 60% longer than reactively maintained roofs. Roof restoration systems proactively focus on repairing deficient existing roofs to increase their service life. The restoration process identifies problems and critical areas unique to each roof and focuses on repairing just those areas instead of removing the entire roof and installing a new roof system or covering with a new roof overlay. This alone can save building owners thousands of dollars instantly as restoration systems are typically 1/3 the cost of replacement. Savings from lower yearly maintenance costs and increased years of service life are added benefits.
Roof restoration systems are considered roof maintenance making them 100% deductible the year the system is installed, creating a potential tax deduction for building owners. This is a major tax advantage compared tore-roofing which must be depreciated over several years. When considering a roof restoration project, building owners should check with their tax advisors for guidance. When building owners are faced with little budget dollars but their roofs need maintenance, liquid-applied roof restoration system options are a viable alternative to expensive roof replacement.

Economic Benefits
There are many economic benefits for applying liquid-applied roof restoration systems that greatly reduce the building owner’s out of pocket expense. Roof Restoration systems avoid or delay removal and disposal costs of the existing roof system. Disposal costs continue to increase as landfills get maximized for space. A new roof installed today must be constructed to meet today’s energy code which requires either R-25 or R-30 insulation levels, depending on the building type and code year for their state. This means the building owner will likely have to pay for additional insulation to be added when their new roof is installed. Other costs incurred from adding additional insulation will be in raising drains and curbs to meet the roof membrane manufacturers specification height.
Less Disruption
Because roof restoration systems are applied over a viable existing roof system, there are no disruptions to the inside operations of a business. This means the business’s work inside can continue without interruption. This is vastly different compared to installing new roofing which may require the business inside to shut down sections of their building while roof work is in progress.
Energy Benefits
Having the roof restoration system in corporate an Energy Star® rated reflective finish coat can help reduce the amount of air conditioning needed in buildings and can reduce a building’s peak cooling demand by 10-15%. Highly reflective roofs can lower the roof’s surface temperature by up to 50°F or more. The photos below show the difference between an uncoated black EPDM roof section and newly coated white EPDM section.

The temperature difference is 79.2°F. A lower roof surface temperature will decrease the amount of heat transferred into a building which can improve interior comfort, especially for unconditioned buildings such as warehouses. Cooler roof surface temperatures also put less strain on HVAC equipment. Rebates may be available for the use of reflective roof coatings. These will vary across the country so check with the building’s utility provider for information.
Resilient Roofs
Roof restoration systems are sustainable. When the restoration system draws near the end of its useful life (typically 10 years) the roof can be recoated to extend the life of the original restoration making them resilient solutions. Investment in a roof restoration system is one of the most affordable, long-term solutions to extend the service life and increase the return on investment of any roof.
Roof restoration systems have the mindset that you already have a viable roof. Why replace it when you can repair the problem areas then apply a coating restoration system over top adding an additional layer of protection. Typical roof restoration systems employ using two or more coats and may include the use of fabric reinforcement depending on the condition of the existing roof. Coatings may include substrate specific basecoats as well as reflective finish coats and are available with full system warranties.
For questions about KARNAK’s roof restoration systems offering and how they can be used to maintain your roof, contact KARNAK Technical Services at 800.526.4236 or